TANKS! HISTORY.TXT Updated May 10th 1995 This file details the history of changes to the TANKS! program since version 1.0. VERSION 1.1 NOTES The following items have been patched to create TANKS! version 1.1: 1) In version 1.0, it was possible for non-fording transports to dismount their fording capable infantry, cross a stream, and re-mount (on a later turn) in their transports. This effectively allowed infantry to carry their trucks across streams... This has been changed. Units can now only cross streams if all assigned equipment types are capable of fording. 2) The effectiveness of light artillery (especially mortars) vs. armor has been decreased. 3) There is a new menu item in the game Info menu. The "Info / Combat Time Delays" item allows players to select from a range of time delays for displaying combat results. 4) A bug which could affect spotting in two player games has been fixed. 5) A bug which allowed close assaults to continue for a very long time in rare cases has been fixed. 6) A bug which locked the game up when creating random scenarios or orders of battle with "mobility 10" in some time periods / forces has been fixed. 7) Programmed opponent use of artillery has been improved. 8) Information on unit "static" status has been made available to players. Static units have an additional "static" indicator graphic at center right on their icon. In formation displays, static status is given for each unit in the formation. The static status is also given in detailed unit reports. 9) The original PC speaker sound effect used in airstrikes has been replaced with a digitized effect. 10) Conventional memory requirements have been relaxed a bit. Version 1.1 requires the following: 538K (550912 bytes) No sound 560K (573440 bytes) FM sounds only 584K (598016 bytes) Full digitized sounds Some sound cards may have slightly higher memory requirements. 11) In version 1.0 the editor did not fully initialize scenarios saved with "fixed" objective values. This could cause problems when the scenarios were later played. Scenarios saved with "fixed" values are now properly initialized. If you created any scenarios using fixed (not calculated) objective values with version 1.0, you should load them into the v1.1 editor and save them again to patch the files. Scenarios created with calculated objective values are unaffected. 12) Terrain is now much more effective in protecting units from airstrikes. Additionally, airstrikes are somewhat less effective against heavily armored vehicles than in version 1.0. 13) The number of files that the game file manager boxes can locate has been increased from 50 to 999. VERSION 1.11/1.2 NOTES Versions 1.11 and 1.2 are identical. 1) Version 1.1 introduced a bug which could freeze the game if a "strong" computer player encountered certain conditions. This has been corrected in version 1.11, and it is the only difference from version 1.1. VERSION 1.21 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.21 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.21, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.21. 1) In scenarios with "some" airstrikes, there is now only a 50% chance that from 0 to 3 new strikes will become available on any given turn. This means these scenarios will now have about half as many airstrikes as earlier versions of the game. Scenarios with "many" airstrikes are unaffected. 2) All scenarios are now of variable length. There is a 50% chance that a scenario will be continued for at least one turn rather than ending on the nominal final turn of the scenario. 3) Weather is now variable. Wind strength and direction, and precipitation can vary from turn to turn. If there is any precipitation, there is a chance that the ground condition will become "soft". 4) Auto fire routines are now more intelligent than in earlier versions of the game. 5) "Frantic fire" has been added to the game. If a unit has taken a loss, it may immediately auto-fire at enemy units even if it has already fired its weapons. Also, there is a 30% chance that movement or fire in any adjacent hex will trigger frantic fire. No more "soak off" attacks, boys and girls... VERSION 1.22 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.22 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.22, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.22. 1) A minor bug introduced in version 1.21 which could under certain circumstances cause artillery units to fire continuously until out of ammo has been fixed. 2) If a unit takes a loss, there is now a chance that the unit will retreat. When a unit takes a loss, it must now pass a morale check in order to stay in place. If the unit fails the check, it will retreat one hex if possible, and will not return fire regardless of fire orders. Units belonging to formations with poor morale and control levels have a poor chance of passing the morale check. Units belonging to formations with good morale and control levels have a good chance of passing the morale check. 3) Many more morale checks are now made during play. Whenever a unit takes any loss, moves through any non- road woods, town or mine hex, or retreats after combat there is a chance that the parent formation's morale will be lowered. In earlier versions of the game, this kind of morale check was only made when a unit was lost. 4) To partially counteract the additional morale checks introduced in v1.22, formations will tend to recover morale more rapidly than in earlier versions of the game. Previously, morale could only be recovered during turns when a formation was "reorganizing". Now, formations have a chance to recover morale each turn. The chance that a formation will recover morale is now proportional to the formation's original morale. This means that formations with poor initial morale will not recover as rapidly as formations with good initial morale. 5) The chance that a unit will "frantic fire" as described in above in the v1.21 notes is now tied to the control and morale levels of the unit's parent formation. Units with poor morale and control will tend to retreat if hit rather than franticly firing. Units with good morale and control will tend to franticly fire frequently. 6) All units' effective rate of fire is now equal to nominal rate of fire. Ammunition allowing, units will now fire a number of shots exactly equal to the nominal rate of fire of the slowest rate of fire weapon assigned to the unit. Random rate of fire checks have been removed from the game. 7) Auto fire and the routine that displays "weak, effective, or lethal fire" when you target your weapons have been made a bit more intelligent. 8) There is now a chance that a unit will panic and change its orders from "hold fire" to "auto fire" if it takes a loss. This chance is greater for units with poor morale and control levels, and lesser for units assigned to formations with good morale and control levels. VERSION 1.23 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.23 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.23, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.23. I'm going to hold off on introducing new features for a while in order to ensure that the game is once again bug free. This version introduces some minor improvements, but it is primarily a bug "cleanup" update intended to correct errors introduced during the wholesale addition of new features in v1.21 and v1.22. 1) A line of sight bug was introduced with the retreat routine in version 1.22. This has been corrected. 2) Rate of fire, weather variability and retreat logic have been improved. 3) Timing has been slightly randomized in weapon sounds during combat, yielding a somewhat "ragged" sound to fire combat. 4) Under standard command rules, all formations may now be issued mass hold fire or auto fire orders using the info/formations menu item. 5) The "crybaby" sound introduced with retreats in v1.22 has been deleted. VERSION 1.25 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.25 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.25, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.25. 1) A bug which could cause a "Mel fatal error" on some systems has been corrected. 2) Close assault logic has been improved, and a bug in the retreat logic has been fixed. 3) Programmed opponents and auto-fire logic have been improved. 4) Formations will recover morale slightly faster when they are "reorganizing". 5) More units can now be "hidden" at the beginning of a scenario. 6) Non armored units are now slightly better protected from fire in fort, town, and woods hexes. 7) A break dialog has been added before the beginning of airstrikes in two player games. 8) All current changes to rules have been incorporated in the new README.TXT file, and the history of changes to the TANKS program has been moved to HISTORY.TXT. This should help clarify the current state of the game rules. VERSION 1.26 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.26 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.26, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.26. 1) Surviving mounted infantry and light weapons squads now dismount after suffering direct fire losses. 2) Helicopter units no longer suffer from the closed terrain movement morale penalty. 3) Close assault is now treated as normal move for attacking units if all defenders retreat before combat. 4) Artillery allocations have been reduced in random post '91 scenarios. 5) Mounted, non flying units now dismount at the start of the second round of combat in close assaults. 6) Hidden units no longer "dig in" (revealing location). 7) Put HMG into M109 secondary weapon slot. 8) Low level speed optimizations have been incorporated in LOS and distance routines. 9) Units with more than 9 pieces of equipment in top slot will now be renamed (in editor) as follows- Plt->Co, Bty->Bn. 10) An experimental 500 meter scale has been implemented. If you start the game with the "bigscale" command line parameter, all weapon ranges and sighting distances will be halved (for the current play session). Movement rates are unaffected. This feature is strictly experimental. VERSION 1.27 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.27 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.27, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.27. This version does introduce two new features, but it is primarily a patch for minor errors in the database and a bug fix for the assault code added in version 1.26. 1) A number of typographical errors in the database have been corrected. 2) A bug in the close assault free move code introduced with version 1.26 has been fixed. This bug could cause the game to freeze after a close assault. 3) The "auto-dismount after losses" code has been modified. Mounted units which suffer direct fire losses will now automatically dismount only if more than one vehicle was hit, or the unit fails a morale check. 4) Artillery fire into unspotted, unseen hexes no longer displays combat results. The fire is resolved normally, but you can no longer see the effects of your fire. 5) In the modern variant: several spurious sound effects have been replaced with the correct sounds. Also, engineering (digging in, abatis and mine removal) have been recoded for a better match with the modern database. VERSION 1.28,1.29 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.29 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.29, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.29. 1) Any units which survive a retreat now turn around to face their original position if they pass a morale check. 2) A minor bug which could sometimes allow the computer player to squeeze an extra movement point out of a unit has been fixed. 3) Additional minor changes have been made to the game database. 4) Reinforcement entry turns are now variable. On each turn, there is a 10% chance that the entry turn for each reinforcement formation will either advance or be pushed back by one turn. 5) It is now possible to force a scenario to continue past its nominal end turn. 6) Non armored units are now even better protected from fire in fort, town, and woods hexes. 7) A list of command line parameters is now available when you run the game. To view the list, type "tanks ?" and enter. 8) When you select a command line parameter, the program now pauses briefly to display the effects of your selection before entering the game. 9) An "oldbail" command line parameter has been added. If you choose oldbail, the version 1.26 infantry auto bailout rules will be in effect, overruling the changes made in version 1.27. 10) A "static" command line parameter has been added. If you choose static, variable weather and reinforcement entry code will be disabled. Weather will not change and all reinforcements will enter on their listed turns. 11) A bug in the retreat code has been fixed. VERSION 1.30 NOTES IMPORTANT: Version 1.30 is an experimental, unauthorized update. If you run into any difficulties with version 1.30, please contact me via email (see below). SSI customer support won't know what you're talking about if you mention version 1.30. Due to a marketing decision to postpone the release of RIFLES, I had a bit of spare time on my hands in September and October of 1995. One of the things I did to keep myself amused (since RIFLES was on schedule for an October release when it was delayed by SSI) was a major revision of TANKS. I hope everyone enjoys the results. 1) Airstrikes now attempt to begin their run over friendly controlled territory to avoid enemy anti aircraft fire. 2) Fortifications, abatis and mines are now invisible unless a) you own the hex they are placed in, or b) you have the hex under observation (it is spotted or "seen" by a friendly unit). 3) Artillery can now destroy fortifications and rubble towns and villages. The chance is small, and is proportional to the ability of the weapons to start fires. A rubbled town or village is represented by an abatis symbol in the town hex. Destroyed forts are removed from play. Rubbling a town hex has no effect beyond the addition of the normal movement penalties associated with abatis. 4) Assaults - Engineer and infantry units have their chances to hit in combat increased by about 50% during assaults. Engineer units ignore the effects of fortifications during assaults. Units assaulted from any flank hex have their chance to panic increased by about 50%. 5) Movement - Infantry, cavalry, and bicycle units are now capable of forced march movement. This is treated rather abstractly. If a unit is not "winded", it pays only one movement point to enter any hex that it could normally enter. Any movement or fire "winds" a unit, so that it will be unable to use this special case of movement until it has rested. On any turn after a unit has not moved or fired its weapons, it will rest - removing its winded status and allowing forced march movement on future turns. There is also a 20% chance for recovery even if the unit did move or fire in the previous turn. This change effectively allows you to get a burst of enhanced movement ability out of these units for a turn with no penalty. 6) Pinning fire - Any time a unit takes losses due to enemy fire, it must pass a separate morale check to avoid being pinned. Pinned units suffer no ill effects on the turn that they recieve the pinning fire, but their movement and fire allowances will not be reset at the beginning of the following turn. In most cases, this will result in the pinned unit losing its next turn. 7) Hidden units - Hidden units are now allowed to dig in again (repealing the v1.26 change to the rules). In addition, hidden units now recieve a significant (roughly 50%) improvement in their chance to hit on the turn when they reveal their location by firing on enemy units. Finally, infantry and engineer units which would normally be eligable for hidden status during scenario creation can now hide during a scenario if they did not move or fire during the previous turn. This allows a unit to ambush an enemy unit, then dissappear again into the underbrush as soon as they have time to get back under cover. 8) Time of day - The original three lighting conditions: day, twilight, and night, have been replaced by four conditions: day, dusk, night, and dawn. Dusk and dawn are treated in all respects exactly as twilight was treated in earlier versions of the game. Depending upon scenario design, lighting conditions can now change during a scenario. Day and night can last up to 48 turns (maximum scenario length). Dawn and dusk can last a maximum of 4 turns (20 minutes of game time). Lighting conditions will change as follows: Day -> Dusk -> Night -> Dawn -> Day. You can, for example, design a scenario to start during daylight, 2 turns before dusk. The result would be 2 turns of daylight, followed by 4 turns of dusk, with the remainder of the scenario played under night lighting conditions. The environment button and the game color palette will change when the lighting condition changes. 9) The programmed opponent now attempts to avoid stacking when possible in order to limit its exposure to enemy artillery fire. 10) The layout of the database has been reorganized. This will affect only those who use the OBREADER utility. An updated OBREADER.EXE and FISTDATA.ASC are included with this package. 11) Due to changes in the way data are organized, scenarios created using v1.30 can only be played by those with TANKS v1.30 or later. 12) The game now requires slightly more conventional memory (I know: ) than v1.29, although it still uses less memory than v1.0 did. If necessary, I may create a special limited memory build of the game. Such a special version of the game would place most of the remaining core routines in EMS as overlays. As a result, conventional memory requirements would be significantly reduced but the game would probably be unplayable on anything less than a Pentium 75 system. I am not really sure how much interest there might be in the full overlay version. If you are experiencing memory related problems and would like to experiment with a full overlay build, send an email note my way (see below) with your input regarding a full overlay version of the game. 13) TANKS runs well under Windows 95. In fact, if your config.sys and autoexec.bat files are set up well it will run _better_ under Win95 on many systems. What's the best autoexec.bat / config.sys combo? Try "REMing" out everything in both files. Unless you have a really strange hardware setup, you will probably get best results with "empty" config and autoexec files for most of your dos games. END OF CHANGES / ADDITIONS. I would like to thank all of you who have made suggestions over the last year. I have enjoyed this interactive post release tinkering process and the changes made to TANKS have resulted in a better game. I look forward to doing the same with RIFLES. Norm Koger 2.0 October 27th 1995. email: 72272.2222@COMPUSERVE.COM